Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Hello guys,
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day and remember Jesus is the reason for the Season.
This was my Christmas Day outfit! Unfortunately u didn't go to church but I still dresses up for dinner lol
My Skirt is from H&M, 
Sequin Blazer from eBay
Shoes from Miista Shoes bought in Macys.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Party

Hey guys,
Happy Holidays! The Christmas season is here again and I'm grateful to God for the gift of life and my family.
This past. Friday I attended a Christmas party and this is what I wore
I found this gorgeous pink aluminum looking dress at Topshop and I fell in love with it.
Clear clutch and neckpeice from Topshop as well
Shoes are Christian Louboutin slingbacks
White shirt from Gap and belt and accessories from forever21, HM

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Suit Me

Hey guys, 
It's been a while since I blogged I've been busy with some projects but it's a beautiful Sunday and this is my outfit for church! 
I found this HM skirt the other day and I love it. I paired it with this shirt and suit by Kasper.